Great Times Outdoors! Concepts To Use On Your Following Outdoor Camping Journey
Staff Writer-Geisler Larsson
If you are getting tired of the hustle and bustle of city life, camping can be a truly fun and unique experience. However, it is important to keep in mind, that there is a certain amount of danger involved and the need for acclimatization for the outdoors. This article will arm you with the advice you need for a great camping trip!
Prior to leaving, take a few minutes to make a checklist of everything that you need. There is nothing worse than getting to a campsite and then finding out that you don't have what you need to be comfortable. A checklist is a great aid as you are packing. Try to start getting thing's together several days before you leave so you have plenty of time.
What To Pack For A Camping Trip
Navigation is the key when it comes to camping. It is important to know where you are, and how to get back to civilization if you become lost. Always bring Fun Things To Do When You're Camping of the area, and a compass to help you. You can also use an outdoor GPS that will give you navigation information, as well as additional information such as altitude.
When you are camping, a necessity for your gear is a survival knife. This is the most important part of your camping gear. Buy a high quality survival knife, not just the cheapest you can find, your life may depend on it. These knives are all very similar; they have a long blade serrated on one side and a hollow handle. Inside the handle you can carry fishing line, hooks, a compass, and matches as a small survival kit.
When To Buy Camping Gear
When choosing a tent, pick one that has plenty of room for you and all of your camping companions. You should have no problem sleeping and getting through the nights when camping.
If you are going camping with your pets or children, you need to take a few extra precautions. Try to teach your kids the basics of camping safety. They need to know what to do if they get lost and should each have a small survival kit. Make sure you have leashes for any pets and make sure they are current with all vaccinations.
How To Transport Camping Gear
Camping is fun, and camping with kids can be even more fun, but certain precautions need to be made for these little campers. Take plenty of extra clothes for them, because they will get dirty and wet. It's important they don't stay in wet clothes, because it's possible, it could result in hypothermia. This goes for adults, too.
Do not dump any type of food waste on the ground. This is a great way to attract unwanted bugs and animals. The best way to get rid of excess food waste is to dump all of it into the fire pit. It is also not a good idea to bury them.
If you're going camping with a pet, take them for a vet visit beforehand. Inform your veterinarian of where you plan to go camping. Get your pet updated on all their vaccinations and be sure they have protection against ticks, mites, and fleas. You can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of a pet.
Avoid severe weather when going camping, and pay attention to forecasts. It is horrible trying to pitch a tent in the rain, and not much fun sitting in a tent during a rainstorm. It is equally as disturbing approaching a muddy campsite and trying to make a weekend out of it.
If you're having trouble keeping warm at night, wear a hat. It can get cold out in nature. As cold as it gets, however, it can be quite stifling to keep your head tucked inside your sleeping bag at all times. Pack a warm woolen hat to wear while you sleep.
Take along a battery operated radio when camping. A radio will keep you up-to-date on any late-breaking news and weather reports. A radio will also give you entertainment during those quiet evenings sitting around the campfire. Or if you prefer, pack a guitar for you and your campers' enjoyment.
Never park your vehicle under a single tree when you are at a campsite. If there is a storm, it will attract lightning. This also means that you should avoid sleeping under any trees that are in a particular area by themselves. Try to be in an area that is free of trees or one that has many.
Zip-lock bags can be very handy in a camper's tool chest. Don't worry about hauling mixing bowls in your gear. A gallon size zip-lock bag is great for mixing foods together and is much easier to carry in your pack. Just secure the top of the bag very carefully, then squeeze, knead or shake the ingredients together. Then discard for super-easy cleanup too!
Keep safety in mind on your camping trip. Keep a well-stocked first-aid kit along with the traditional bandaging supplies and antibiotic ointment. But throw into the mix some antihistamine for bug bites and bee stings, pain reliever, hand sanitizer and any other items that could come in handy in the outdoors.
If you decide to leave your campsite to participate in activities like fishing or hiking, be sure you know how to get back. Many people become lost when doing these things and it could be hard for you to be found; remember, most cell phones do not work in these areas.
Bring waterproof matches as part of your survival kit. Store them in airtight containers. You can make regular matches waterproof by dipping them into either paraffin or nail polish. A film container makes a great storage place for matches.
Keep , fresh, and well-ventilated inside the confines of your tent. If your tent is sealed up, condensation may form on it and the items inside. You might find yourself waking up wet. Make sure that vents are open to provide the ventilation that prevents this build up of moisture. If your tent does not have a vent, crack a door or window open instead.
Camping is a pretty simple outdoor excursion for just about anyone to handle. But this article shared some information that should help you field any mishaps that come your way before they ever have a chance to become a problem for you. Keep this information in mind on your fun camping trip!